Slovo dekana:

Zem je najkrajšie miesto na život, preto sa k nej správajme láskavo. Čo nám dáva zužitkujme múdro a poďakujme sa najlepším spôsobom, ktorý predurčujú najprogresívnejšie poznatky vedy, výskumu a inovácií.

Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Cehlár, PhD.

JMP Student Edition

JMP Student Edition (from JMP Statistical Discovery LLC, available for free to students, researchers, and educators, offers comprehensive analytic tools for teaching and learning statistical thinking with interactive graphs and applets aiding conceptual understanding. It also equips students and academic researchers with the skills to tackle complex problems, draw meaningful insights, and make data-driven decisions with a point-and-click interface, without requiring them to write code.


JMP software is used by thousands of leading companies around the world, and for more than 30 years it has been helping students develop analytical skills that are directly applicable to the job market. From data visualization to design of experiments, from data modeling to machine learning and Python integration, there is nothing you can't do with JMP Student Edition.



Please contact and for assistance to easily integrate the software into courses and research projects, or to discuss/request the setting of free workshops/demos (for groups).